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Some Assembly Required

This week we started a movie series with our youth entitled “Now Showing”.  Last night we showed this clip (above) and talked about purpose and the meaning of life.  When asked whether or not our students ever felt like they didn’t have a purpose or that they were out of place, the answer was an instantaneous and emphatic “YES!”  Sadly, many of our youth pastors and volunteers also may be feeling this way, despite the fact that God has called them to ministry in some facet.  Even parents of teenagers often feel out of place, or void of purpose.  Remember that God has called each of us – you and me both – to something much greater than ourselves.

One of the girls in my small group last night put it well when she said that one of the main reasons we feel like we don’t have a purpose is because we’re busy comparing with everyone else.  Instead of focusing on God and what He has in store for us, we are comparing our talents, abilities, looks, and fulfilling moments of our lives with the next guy.  Naturally, my mind first went to Paul’s analogy of the human body in 1 Corinthians 12:

For the body does not consist of one member but of many. If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would be the sense of hearing? If the whole body were an ear, where would be the sense of smell? But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body. The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable

It is incredibly important to focus on God so that this kind of comparing doesn’t become a part of our lives.  It will only cause us to question our purpose even more!  The reason I write today has more to do with your and my purpose in each of our specific ministries.  I Corinthians 12 is talking particularly about spiritual gifts.  The fact is, God gave each person a different combination of spiritual gifts.  Everyone has a unique purpose in life, even when it comes to the way in which he can use the gifts God has given him.  Find what the purpose is and give it your all!

Notice the very end of the passage that I quoted: “the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable.”  I think this is especially true when it comes to ministry leaders.  Last night Jason and I felt that play its role.  We have amazing leaders, and we rely on them every week to do what they’re best at.  Last night, 4 out of our 5 leaders (other than ourselves of course) were out of town, and 2 of our student leaders were also gone.  That meant we had to not only do our own weekly tasks, but we also had the added responsibility of organizing games, getting snacks together, leading worship, running sound and slides, and combining and leading our small groups, among other small tasks.  Needless to say, I have an added appreciation for our leaders and student leaders who make things run.  Are we capable of doing each of those extra tasks?  Absolutely!  But they are not our areas of expertise.

I urge you, if it is possible in your ministry setting, to find the one or two areas that you can be an “expert” in and give it your all.  There are certain things that you can do better than anybody else.  There are other things that you are capable of doing, but somebody else can do better. Let them do those things, stay clear, and focus your time, attention, and energy on the few things.  Our ministries should be run with excellence, which can’t be done if there are too many hands in one pot, or if you’re spread too thin throughout many pots.  One thing I truly appreciate about my home church is how adamant they are about creating a culture in which you can find these areas and pour into them.  The result?  An astounding percentage of volunteer power and a standard of excellence with everything they do.

Like Hugo says, machines don’t come with extra parts, they have exactly how much they need.  Ministry is the same.  God gave us exactly what we need and exactly who we need to do ministry with excellence.  Can we get the job done by using those parts (things and people) in other facets?  Yes – but nowhere near to the greatness which God has intended.

Be Consistent

Students crave consistency!

  • Be Present
  • Be Prepared
  • Be Trustworthy

The Empty Box

Today I want to talk to volunteer leaders, parents, and regular church attendees.  Today I stand up for all the youth pastors out there.

My youth pastor told me last year about a box he has.  It’s full of letters, cards, objects, and even DVDs.  He explained that it this box started out as a small folder in his desk, and ended up exploding into a now large box.  I know I have at least 2 things in there that added to this stockpile.  Hoarding, you may ask?  Nope.  This box is simply a collection of things that Dave has saved over the years.  Things that serve as an encouragement.  A letter of thanks, a speech on his impact, a ball of tape from Four Square (throughout high school I had held onto the first ever ball of tape made from playing Four Square in our youth group – we were hard core about it then! – and gave it to Dave this past Spring, 7 years later I think).

When he told me about this box he had, it didn’t hit me how powerful this box could be.  I thought it was neat that he had these things, but it didn’t really apply to Jason or I.  However, now that we are almost a year into full-time ministry ourselves, I am beginning to realize just how important are those random notes and objects of encouragement.

Whether you realize it or not, youth pastors get discouraged very easily.  They get so caught up in lesson prep, event planning, meeting attending, problem solving, and a whole slew of other things, that they may easily question whether or not they’re actually making an impact in students’ lives.  It’s hard to see the micro-impact for all the macro-leading, so to speak.  Unfortunately, Satan then uses this to make them question whether or not a given outreach event is even worth it, or if they’re serving any purpose to make a difference whatsoever.  You and I both know that this is not the case.  Of course they are making an impact and affecting lives!  But how are they supposed to know?  That is, unless someone tells them.

I started to wonder this week how many youth pastors out there might have an empty box and be running low on the powerful fuel that encouragement gives.  Sadly, I think it’s quite a large number.  So today I want to encourage you to encourage your fearless leader!  This shouldn’t be once a year when you’re asked to at a volunteer banquet, but out of the goodness of your heart.  The unexpected means significantly more than you can imagine!
